Highland Cow Experiences, Workshops and Walks.
Here you can find information on where to see Fluffy Highland Cattle around the Peak District National Park, Derbyshire, Cheshire, Staffordshire, Yorkshire, Greater Manchester and surrounding areas.
As well as places to stay that have Highland Cattle, Highland Cow Experiences, Photography, Workshops, Walks and Safaris.
Highland cows charming and distinctive appearance captivates the hearts of people worldwide, easily recognizable by their long, shaggy coats, sweeping fringes, and impressive curved horns. The gentlest of all cattle, with their teddy bear-like demeanor adds to their allure, making them a favourite among animal enthusiasts.
Find walks, workshops and safaris where you can learn fascinating insights into the history, characteristics, and care of these beautiful highland cattle, capture memorable snapshots with the herd and maybe even feed or stroke these gentle giants.
South Yorkshire Highland Cow Photography Workshop, Highland Cows of the Peak Experiences
The Best Place in England to Visit That Has Highland Cow Experiences
Highland Cows of the Peak Experience
Sheffield, South Yorkshire, Peak District
Important Information
N.B. What you may think of as wild Highland Cows are farm-owned animals and are not free-roaming pets.
Please do not get too near to them or allow your dogs to get close to the cows as accidents could occur.
Advice for Dog Owners around cattle:
Always walk calmly, with your dog at a safe distance and on a short lead around livestock. The only exception is if you are being chased, or charged at, then let the dog off the lead. It's usually the dog they see as a threat rather than you and most dogs can easily outrun a cow but the majority of us humans cannot!
Please remember to bring poo bags and clean up after your dog.
Dog faeces can cause serious diseases and even miscarriage in livestock through the contamination of grass and water. Dog waste on grazing land can pass worms and parasites to other dogs, cattle and wildlife, so it is just as vital to clear up after your dog in the countryside as it is in the town.
Buy the finest canvases of Peak Highland Cows.
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